A Deep Dive Into Content Creation For Virtual Assistants

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To get clients in your VA business you need to be able to attract people to the solution you provide. 
You need traffic and distribution.

How do you get traffic and distribution and ultimately sign clients?

Through content creation.

Through communicating the value of your services.
Consistency and persistence are key here.
Marketing, branding, persuasion, and sales are the fuel for monetizing any skillset that you have as a VA.

Let’s take a simple Who, What, When, and Why approach to this deep dive session.

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s get into it!

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The ‘Who’ for Content Creation

Understanding the people you serve is what every virtual assistant must master.


Because you need to understand how to communicate the value of your services. 

When you create content to market your business, this is a crucial factor - know WHO you are creating it for!

Define Your Ideal Client

  • How do they speak?
  • What do they struggle with in their business?
  • What questions would they have about hiring a VA?
  • What stage of life are they in?
  • What business goals they could accomplish by working with a VA?

To learn more, read this blog post where I explain crafting your ideal client.

Picture who you are marketing to, and who you want to work with, and keep them in mind with everything you share!

Additional Reminder: also share who YOU are as you market.

I work closely with my clients and as I have become more specialized many of them have become like friends to me.

My clients want to know who they are working with from a business aspect (can I get the job done, am I timely, do I care about quality, integrity, etc.) but also what do I do for fun? What is my family like? What are my personal goals?

So don’t forget that it can be helpful to show your face in your newsletters, blogs, and on Instagram.

The ‘What’ Of Content Creation For Business

So what in the world does a Virtual Assistant post on a content platform to market their services? Refer back to this blog post which will give you a rundown of different content pillars to guide you.

A HUGE PRO TIP: maintain a Google Sheet or some kind of running list of ideas for content. Whether a video or written, you can also repurpose those formats down the road when you expand to other content platforms. I LOVE surveying my current clients for questions that I can answer in content. You may also find other Virtual Assistants out there for inspiration. Just remember that it’s not cute to copy and you need to put your own unique spin on your marketing.


  • What are your potential clients’ frustrations?
  • What do they want?
  • What are their dreams?
  • What are their fears?
  • What are some ways that you think you authentically stand out to potential clients?
  • What can you talk about confidently that is valuable to your prospective client's business?
  • What services are you good at?
  • What opportunities are you looking for?
  • What are you knowledgeable in?

Write about it all. You’ll have a ton of stuff to work with.


Pro-tip: Have a strategy to produce “emotional response” content. Write for the reader.

Try to evoke these emotional responses through your content:

  1. This person wants to help me
  2. This person entertains me
  3. This person makes me think
  4. This person understands me

This right here is the recipe for excellent content.

Go out of your way to make an outstanding first impression.

Some Do’s & Don’ts:


  • Share authentic stories, experiences, and lessons from your VA business.
  • Publish content consistently.
  • Create a unique style of presenting your content. It could be a unique writing style or unique design elements.
  • Learn from content that’s working well for others, and take inspiration from it to create an original piece of content.


  • Don’t copy. Plagiarism is not cool.
  • Don’t create content that adds zero value and wastes the audience’s time.
  • Don’t follow trends blindly without adding your unique spin to them.
  • Don’t talk fluff. 

The ‘When’ Of Creating Content For Your Virtual Assistant Business

Let’s talk about the process of creating content as a virtual assistant first.

Content does not just appear out of thin air, unfortunately.

Corporations and large businesses hire whole teams to handle content creation on a large scale. But don’t get overwhelmed!

You do not need to market at that scale to be a successful VA.

Remember, in the beginning, it’s important to focus on one online space or platform where you find the majority of your Ideal Clients spending their time.

Answer These Questions to Create A Process For Your ‘When’:

  • What current responsibilities and commitments are absolute must-keeps and which ones are not?

Remember, one of the best things about being a Virtual Assistant is that you can schedule your work around your life!

Creating content for your business can even be done while living your life if you choose to do so. Sometimes, you may find yourself valuing living in the moment and that’s great too.

The point here is that you will want to determine when this content is going to get created based on your priorities.

I was a project manager during my corporate life and now I am a mother so I have learned to be ruthless with my time. As a business owner, I greatly value how I spend it! I can guarantee you that there will be some ways you are spending your time that are not really adding to your enjoyment of life that much (hello mindlessly scrolling social media right?). Cut those out and devote that time to creating content for your business!

  • Will I be able to afford to hire out some aspects to another VA or will I create content myself?

If you are just starting your business and going the low-startup cost approach, you will need to look at your calendar.

What I did was block out days and times according to various elements of the content creation process. Your calendar may look something like this:

Then, I was able to go load say, a YouTube video and schedule it to publish.

I also handle a lot of these tasks for my clients, so on days when I am writing or creating content for them, while I have my camera out I go ahead and snap some photos or videos for my business too.

The last key to staying organized and executing consistently is to schedule publishing content where you can because you will also want to allot time to engage in the comments, answer email responses, or post stories as well.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be consistent in your content marketing publishing schedule!

If you are hiring out your content creation, this can be such a huge time-saver for you and a great return on investment.

It’s ok if you are not there yet, but if you want to grow faster, it could be worth it to list out what items are available for outsourcing depending on the content platform you will be marketing on.

Determine when you will need to deliver information and creative assets to your Assistant.

Utilize a collaboration platform such as the one you are using to collaborate with clients. I LOVE Notion!

The ‘Why’ Of Creating Content as a VA

Be sure to set goals for yourself on your content marketing platform of choice!

Maybe you wish to reach a specific number of discovery calls booked as a result, maybe you are simply looking to reach a threshold of views on your YouTube videos so that you know your message is reaching far and wide.

How many views is your blog getting?

How many DMs would you like to be answering daily to book Discovery Calls from?

In my experience, I have found that the interactions and creating a community matter so much! Remember that if your ‘why’ doesn’t come down to being helpful to other business owners then it will likely start to feel like an uphill battle for you to create content that is speaking to your ideal client and building trust with them.


Business grows exponentially when you build relationships based on trust.


REMEMBER: As a Virtual Assistant you don’t need viral content.

Marketing yourself is about getting on base every day.

  • Familiar name
  • Familiar face
  • Familiar topic
  • Familiar content

It’s cliché but it works.

Finally, you just have to get started.

Write that email sequence, create that first TikTok video and go from there.

You will learn so much more from doing and implementing than you will if you never take action on all of the information you are gathering!


A little action often spurs a lot of momentum.

- Noah Scalin


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