Increase Your Income Series - Top 5 Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Making More Money As A Virtual Assistant

business tips increase your income starting an online business virtual assistant resources
We’ve all been there when it comes to virtually anything in life.

Mistakes are made - especially when just starting out.

Even with many years of experience one can still somehow make a mistake. Business is a constant learning process and you must adapt and develop resilience.

In this blog post, I’m sharing the top 5 mistakes I have frequently seen keep Virtual Assistants from making more money. Let’s begin!


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1. Marketing to the wrong potential clients


Stop marketing to anybody and everybody who you think will pay you!



  • Your marketing efforts might go waste as the wrong potential clients may not get sold on requiring your services. Your services might not be valuable to them.
  • It can hinder the growth of your virtual assistant business.
  • In case you on board a non-ideal client you will end up losing passion for your business.
  • You will struggle to make a steady income and increase your revenue.


How to fix it?

  1. Take the time to put some thought into who do you most want to work with and who do you think your services will actually benefit.
  2. Learn about crafting your ideal client.
  3. Test out various marketing platforms and methods. Social media, email, blogging, paid ads - there are many different ways to go here. What it comes down to is where your ideal client is spending most of their time. That is the key.
  4. Spend time creating clear messaging in your ads, emails, or any other method you use to promote your services to potential clients.



Content Marketing For Your VA Business

Level Up Your Virtual Assistant Business Ebook: Show up at the right time, right place, sign dream clients and increase your income!



2. Setting prices too low, thinking that will earn you more clients


This is fine if you want to cheapen your brand as a VA, but this always shoots your business in the foot.



  • You may think you are doing clients a favor, but really you will only attract low-quality clients and end up with a huge headache.
  • You might undercharge and sign the client only to end up resenting your work.
  • You will devalue the market for VAs.
  • You will get stuck with a stagnant business.
  • You can get burnt out working long hours and not making the revenue that you deserve.


How to fix it?

  1. Again, the KEY is to look for the ideal client.
  2. Charge the rates you know you deserve and make you feel good about your business.
  3. Keep reminding yourself that it is not okay to undercharge for the sake of signing new clients.
  4. Know the value of the services you are providing and start charging more as you up-skill.



Why You Shouldn’t Undercharge as a Virtual Assistant


3. Not leveraging skills from past job experience or studies and translating them to the Virtual Assistant space


I see many VAs think that because they are out on their own, they will not be worth what their previous income was even though they are using the same skills.

Sounds like you?

You need to get rid of this mind block right away.



  • If you are choosing to become a Virtual Assistant as simply a change in the way you were earning your income (vs being employed by a corporation for example), you may likely be able to charge at least the rates you were making in your previous job.
  • Virtual Assisting is a broad umbrella term that can include a wide array of services that you may be already doing in your job.


How to fix it?

  1. Make a list of skills you have used in your studies or previous positions right now and see how many you come up with that can actually be offered online!
  2. Package up your existing set of skills to create irresistible offers for your ideal clients.
  3. Identify your expertise and niche down to specialization. This will get you a higher income than generalist services.



Become A Virtual Assistant In 30 Days and Make Money Online With These 5 Simple Steps



4. Not investing in courses or professional certifications


Many Virtual Assistants overlook this avenue to earn more money, but it really can make a difference in how clients look at you. Many feel they are too busy to take on anything else, but you don’t want to make this mistake.



  • It helps you to stand out from the competition and also get results for clients through the additional knowledge you gain.
  • It allows you to build credibility and fill in any gaps in knowledge.
  • Obtaining new skills and certifications is the best negotiating point for charging higher rates in your virtual assistant business.
  • It’s an investment in yourself as well as your business in order to level up.


How to fix it?

  1. Do not let the fear of the cost either in time or financially keep you from that certification or course that will help you become more proficient in what you do.
  2. Don’t hesitate to take on new work that will teach you special skills. Learning on the job is the best way to level up.
  3. Take initiative and propose new ways to add value to your client’s business then learn the required skills through courses and get certified.



Increase Your Income Series - 5 Tips For Negotiating Higher Rates


5. Neglecting your money mindset


I made this mistake myself early on in my business not realizing that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality and your actions.



  • The truth that I experienced is that when you aren’t instilling positive beliefs around money in your life then you operate from a feeling of “lack” instead of abundance which is really the root of a few of these previously mentioned mistakes!
  • A poor money mindset will hinder you from advancing the way you really can.
  • You will get stuck living paycheck to paycheck.


How to fix it?

  1. Educate yourself on the fundamentals of finance and building wealth.
  2. Adopt a mindset of abundance to open your mind up to money.
  3. Stop believing in limiting beliefs around finances that you may have been conditioned to believe throughout your life.
  4. Create a plan and chalk out a direction your money needs to go in to meet your financial goals.


I hope that these 5 mistakes that are keeping you from making more money as a virtual assistant are some that you have already avoided or been working through.

Hope this helps you increase your income and grow your business.


To ace your marketing and avoid making any mistakes get my ebook:

Level Up Your Virtual Assistant Business Ebook: Show up at the right time, right place, sign dream clients and increase your income!


I am wishing you all of the great success in your business!


P.S. Are you committed to getting your Virtual Assistant business up and running quickly for a low cost?

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