Run Your Virtual Assistant Business From Your Phone! - Top 5 Tips To Stay Organized On The Go

business tips starting an online business virtual assistant resources
Part of the reason I became a Virtual Assistant was so that I could work from anywhere where I had cell phone service or a good wifi connection. Whether you are working for a client from your chair by the resort pool or doing some planning from the back of an Uber, it may be important to you to have access to as much as possible from the palm of your hand.

And, #protip if you manage social media as a Virtual Assistant, you’ll especially want to think about some of these tips to run your virtual assistant business from your phone!

Allow me to share more with you as we read on.


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If it comes with an app, make sure it is on your phone

This probably is a given, however, I know some VAs who like to separate their lives from their work a bit more by only keeping email and phone calls for their business on their phones. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that probably isn’t you!

I can’t say how often I have had a client mention that they want my assistance with something quick and easy, only to realize I need to pull out my entire laptop to take care of said “quick and easy” task when the app could have been on my phone.

For example, I help one client promote available bookings via social media, so it is convenient for me to do this while waiting in line at the café or shop.

Luckily, their booking system comes with an app. All I have to do is pull it up right then and there.

All the more reason why you should have work apps on your phone is to experience the beauty of running a virtual assistant business.

Get stuff done on your phone on the go. Your tasks will feel so much less cumbersome. And work will be seamlessly incorporated into your life.

It’s the ultimate way to live the VA lifestyle full of freedom without missing client deadlines.


Set up alerts and push notifications so that you don’t make a spontaneous random plan and forget you actually had something to do in your business

We tend to make the big mistake of assuming that we will remember it.

But we are human and we forget.

Our brains are not meant for remembering things as much as they are for creating or ideating. So save yourself some brain power by using the greatest tool on your phone: Calendar alerts.

Make your phone your own virtual assistant to remind you of events or tasks to do.

This way you can work with full focus on important tasks without worrying about upcoming meetings or forgetting to do client work before deadlines.

Whether it’s for a client, or yourself, make it a point to add alerts to your calendar instead of storing unnecessary information in your mind.

Your mind can let you down but your calendar won’t if you set up notifications.

Sometimes I find myself being double-booked (especially because now I get “mom-brain” and very easily forget things that aren’t on my calendar with an alert!).

I solved this conundrum by pairing an alert with my calendar event or reminder. I like to set it for 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance with a day before reminder if it is super important to remember.

It's the best way to go about your day carefree and focus on work that actually matters.

I have many personal and professional goals and easily get carried away working on them. These reminders when I pick up my phone can get me back on track so I can keep my business growing and client projects delivered on time.



Create clearly labeled folders for your business apps and tools

Stop swiping to the ends of the earth to find that app you need to check or that email account with an inbox you manage for a client.

Think ahead and organize as clearly as you can. Your future self will thank you for it!

You can even keep track of any content you write or create with the Google Suite of apps from your phone, but it’s only going to make your mind feel cluttered if you can’t easily find them.

You can never be too organized so the more you are the better. Make Marie Kondo proud!

Organized folders will make you efficient and your clients will love you for it too.

Especially when you work from your phone on the go, you must keep everything organized to save yourself the mental agony of searching and not finding what you are looking for.

Trying to enter the mind of your past self to figure out where you had saved something is a situation you never want to find yourself in.

Organize those apps so that they are quick to find and grab!

You might even consider organizing by tools you use to run your business and tools you use to collaborate with clients.


Link your business email to your phone

Something else that is probably obvious, but you will want to make sure that you can quickly respond to emails during your regularly scheduled email response times whether or not you are at your workstation. (As I said, maybe you decided to sit out by the pool for a bit and handle some business!)

Handling emails on your phone is way quicker and more convenient.

It will make handling your business around your life uncomplicated. 



Try A Remote Desktop App

There may be times you find yourself living your “Work From Anywhere” dreams out and enjoying life so much but on occasion, you have a last-minute request come in that can only be taken care of from a file on your desktop/laptop computer.

A remote desktop app like “LogMeIn” could help you stay on schedule and reduce the number of times you have to push something off because of a file you needed to grab from your computer that is elsewhere!

Simple yet crucial tasks don't need to be held up if you don't have access to your laptop. 

Make the best use of your phone. 


Hope this helps!


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